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    Zhaoye Introduction

    Established in June 2013, the R&D center of Jiangmen Zhaoye Technology Co., Ltd. is a branch of Zhaoye Science and Technology Co., Ltd. It was awarded "Jiangmen Engineering Technology Research Center" in 2017. The positioning of R&D center is "technology lead, key support and service guarantee". Under the organizational framework of "one center, one laboratory", the R&D center follows the "three creations" policy of "innovation, reputation and profit creation", adheres to the "three creations" mode of "openness and cooperation, flow and competition, freedom and order" to carry out technological innovation activities, and carries out R&D management according to the "three modernizations" principle of "marketization of projects, internationalization of objectives and commercialization of achievements". In the field of new material technology and vacuum technology, we focus on forward-looking technological innovation and cross-domain technology integration, providing key technical support for the sustainable development of the company's industry, and providing common technical services for the company and society.

    Copyright © Jiangmen Zhaoye Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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